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non profit organization

The Power of Creativity

innovazione, arti grafiche e tecnologia per l'Istruzione

Educazione Multimediale Innovativa

EMI è un'organizzazione educativa non profit.

Scopo di EMI è produrre risorse innovative per facilitare  e potenziare l'apprendimento. La nostra Associazione è interessata a stabilire sinergie con realtà che abbiano gli stessi obiettivi, in un'ottica di collaborazione attiva nazionale e transnazionale.


Perché EMI? 

Mezzi e metodiche dell'edutainment possono arricchire e potenziare le pratiche didattiche.

EMI vuole operare una contaminazione tra arti e forme comunicative diverse per introdurle efficacemente nell'ambito dell'Istruzione.

Attività di ricerca e sperimentazione
Attività di formazione
Produzione di video animazioni
Festival Animazione educativa

ricerca e sperimentazione


La tecnica della cattura del movimento, in gergo motion capture, consiste nel registrare i movimenti del corpo, convertendoli in dati. Attraverso questi dati è possibile trasporre i movimenti registrati su un avatar ed animarlo.
La nostra associazione fa uso della real time motion capture, che permette il trasferimento in tempo reale del movimento corporeo sull'avatar.
Ci serviamo di sistemi inerziali per la cattura dei movimenti di tutto il corpo, comprese le mani, mentre per la cattura delle espressioni facciali ricorriamo a telecamere di profondità che traccino mappe dettagliate dei volti in 3D.

non profit organization

The power of Creativity

innovation, graphic arts and technology for Education

Education Multimedia & Innovation

EMI is a non-profit educational organization, regularly registered in the Register Office of the MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research).​

EMI's aim is to produce innovative resources to facilitate and improve learning. Our Association is interested in establishing synergies with organizations having the same goals, in order to establish national and transnational cooperation.


Why EMI?

Tools and methods of edutainment can enrich and enhance teaching practices.

EMI creates a meeting point among different arts and communicative forms, in order to effectively include them in the field of education

research and experimentation


The technique of motion capture consists in recording the movements of the body, trasforming them into data. Through these data it is possible to transpose the movements recorded on an 2D/3D avatar and animate it.
Our association uses real-time motion capture, which allows real-time transfer of body movement to the avatar.
To capture the movements of the whole body, including the hands, we use inertial systems, while for the capture of facial expressions we use depth cameras elaborating detailed maps of the faces in 3D

Sondaggio 2019.jpg

Play and learn!

The skeletal system in 3D


download link

research and experimentation

locandina Corso.jpg

The language of animation offers an extraordinary opportunity to the world of education. Simple animations can now be realized in reduced times and costs compared to the past, through appropriate software and with the support of new computerized functions, such as real-time motion capture, a technology capable of facilitating the character animation process.

This first edition of the "Fundamentals of Educational Video Animation" training course was created with the ambition and aim of creating new areas of competence for teachers, of introducing innovative tools and approaches to the communication of knowledge in schools and brings with it the hope for an ever wider and more widespread involvement of teachers and pupils in dedicated workshops.

An ANAPIA - EMI training course (only in italian language)

Duration: 100 hours


to know more

img Corso 125.jpg

The language of animation offers an extraordinary opportunity to the world of education. Simple animations can now be realized in reduced times and costs compared to the past, through appropriate software and with the support of new computerized functions, such as real-time motion capture, a technology capable of facilitating the character animation process.

This first edition of the "Fundamentals of Educational Video Animation" training course was created with the ambition and aim of creating new areas of competence for teachers, of introducing innovative tools and approaches to the communication of knowledge in schools and brings with it the hope for an ever wider and more widespread involvement of teachers and pupils in dedicated workshops.

An ANAPIA - EMI training course (only in italian language)

Duration: 100 hours


to know more


The language of animation offers an extraordinary opportunity to the world of education. Simple animations can now be realized in reduced times and costs compared to the past, through appropriate software and with the support of new computerized functions, such as real-time motion capture, a technology capable of facilitating the character animation process.

This first edition of the "Fundamentals of Educational Video Animation" training course was created with the ambition and aim of creating new areas of competence for teachers, of introducing innovative tools and approaches to the communication of knowledge in schools and brings with it the hope for an ever wider and more widespread involvement of teachers and pupils in dedicated workshops.

An ANAPIA - EMI training course (only in italian language)

Duration: 100 hours


to know more


Ricerca e sperimentazione
LOGO school-in-motion_logo-MIUR-MIBACT-R


first edition

15th May 2019 - MAXXI (XXI Century Arts Museum) in ROME

The first and unique international animation festival entirely dedicated to the world of Education; it is an event of the National Plan "Cinema for the School", set up by MIUR and MiBAC (Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities), with the support of the Lazio Region and the Department of Cultural Growth of Rome.

For more information visit or consult the press review relating to the event

"Le cronache nazionali" n.42 - 5th june 2019

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Books for Peace special awards 2020.jpg


special award for social commitment for EMI and School in Motion Festival

Le razze umane... esistono?

Le razze umane... esistono?

Risorsa educativa per la scuola secondaria di primo grado. EMI è passione per il mondo dell'educazione, innovazione e creatività. Se ti piace quello che stiamo realizzando cammina con noi, dona agli altri il tuo tempo e la tua competenza! -------------- CREDITI Musica "Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License "March of the Spoons" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License "Hall of the Mountain King" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Effetti sonori Guns bullet flybysricochets distant artillery explosions Gun Battle Sound License: Attribution 3.0 Recorded by ReamProductions Immagini L'uomo delinquente in rapporto all'antropologia, alla giurisprudenza ed alla psichiatria. Atlante / Cesare Lombroso. - Torino : Fratelli Bocca, 1897. - 5ª ed. By Fondo Antiguo de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla from Sevilla, España ("Tipi di omicida".) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons Comparative skulls of apes, etc., lateral view. Rare Books Keywords: camper, petrus {1722-1789}; Phrenology Gallery:

animated video lessons


who we are

Antonello Capra

President and founder

Simona Napoli

Vice President e co-founder

Eleonora Capra

Operational Manager 

get involved

Would you like to contribute?

In order to growth and improve, EMI needs different figures: write us and find out how to help us.

If you live and work in Italy and if you are well-intentioned to support research and experimentation in the field of multimedia education, you could donate your "5 per thousand" to EMI

Rendicontazione annuale di EMI

In ottemperanza alla Legge 4 agosto 2017, n.124 nonché all’articolo 16 del DPCM 23 Luglio 2021, EMI (c.f.. 90084320580) rende noto l’ammontare del contributo del 5 x 1000 incassato nel corso degli anni

Schermata 2019-07-27 alle 17.47.41.png

Contributo 5 per mille

Prospetto riassuntivo

Anno finanziario

Ente erogante


Data di accredito

Data di pubblicazione


Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca

Euro 928,25



Rendicontazione annuale di EMI

"Al fine di adempiere agli obblighi di trasparenza e di pubblicità di cui alla Legge 4 agosto 2017, n. 124, in assenza di un sito internet, in ossequio alle disposizione della circolare del Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali n.2 del 11/01/2019, si procede alla pubblicazione delle seguenti informazioni:

a) Denominazione e codice fiscale del soggetto ricevente: EMI - Educazione Multimediale Innovativa - C.F. 90084320580 ;

b) Denominazione del soggetto erogante: MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca;

c) Somma incassata: € 318,72;

d) Data di incasso: 19/12/2022;

e) Causale: Ricerca Scientifica - 5xMille anno finanziario 2021.


Ariccia, 18/12/2023"



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